Sunday, May 30, 2010

In Panama

I made it to Panama! Remember when I said it was burning hot in El Salvador and I missed A/C? Well it is even hotter here. But I like to think of my apartment as some sort of a sauna, which will probably be great for my skin :)

I am so excited to being working here, though it was very hard to leave El Salvador and my family. I begin  on Monday. The NGO folks have been taking me around town and showing me all the places so I can begin to locate things. Panama City feels like downtown Miami, and I am staying in a high rise apartment. (Not very international-service like :( )Thankfully, I was told yesterday I will be going into the "interior" often, which is the rural parts of Panama, and working in those schools. There, I will be staying with Panamanian families, which should give me the experience I yearn for.

Well, that's all for now! I'll post more later tonight. I think I'm going to go running by the ocean now... :D


  1. Glad you made it to Panama! I know that you are going to love staying with host families :)

  2. HAHA nice comment about it looking like Miami. Can't wait to see you xoxo
